
“We react to everything around us to the point where we drift off course and miss our goals and decrease our productivity!”

If you are a giant fan of F.R.I.E.N.D.S like I am, You have undoubtedly seen the episode “The one with Unagi”. In this episode Ross goes on about being in a state of total awareness and being ready to react to anything. He uses the term Unagi throughout the episode, and he is very convincing in making us believe that it is the actual term to be used. 

I hate to break it to you but Unagi is actually a fresh water eel. It is delicious, and you should try it sometime, but that is besides the point!

The theory and philosophy that Ross is referring to in this episode is Zanshin

Now, Zanshin is a very ironic philosophy that is often misunderstood by people. Yes it is a state of total awareness and preparedness to react to ANYTHING, but it is not calling on you to react to EVERYTHING. In the third decade of the 21st century, we have so many distractions and so short attention spans. We react to everything around us to the point where we drift off course and miss our goals and decrease our productivity! Zanshin does not only need to apply to being ready for an attack, Zanshin can apply to your daily life, whether it be completing tasks at work or chores around the house.

Zanshin is being aware that you received a text, and responding to it later when you have more time, not letting it distract you. Zanshin is being aware that you are running late for your flight but taking the time at the end of the security line to make sure you have all of your belongings. Zanshin is saying “no” when you do not have the capacity to help someone.

A lot of times, these Zen philosophies are difficult to put into concrete terms, but with just a little bit of thinking, there are basic things you can do to improve your daily Zanshin.

Plan your days and don’t apologize for taking time for yourself. The company that I work for has flexible hours, but that also means I can be flexibly asked for support! I don’t think people use Microsoft Outlook’s Private Appointment feature enough. If you have an out of work obligation, create a private appointment for yourself on your calendar. If you are a good employee and have a good manager, nobody will have an issue with this. People will see that you are not available but not know the details of your personal matter. Frankly they don’t need to know that!

Be more present in your conversations. Set your phone to “do not disturb” so you are not interrupted. Listen to understand and even echo back what the person speaking to you said so that they know A. that you listened to what they said and B. it gives them the opportunity to correct you if you did not understand properly. So many times in today’s age we do not listen enough and are caught in our own heads trying to find ways to respond. At a human level everyone wants to be heard and understood.

Ignore rude comments. Who has had an experience where you make a driving mistake or a mistake crossing the street and it results in someone giving you the middle finger or starts yelling profane things at you? I think you all have. Rightfully so, the other party is frustrated, but don’t take their anger personally. If you react to their vulgarity, they have won and your day just got worse. Your Zanshin failed twice, first by making a bad lane change and then by reacting to the rudeness. Don’t react to insults!

So, are you as aware as you could be? Honestly we never are perfect in this regard 100% of the time, but any attempt to better yourself in this regard will pay you high dividends in your professional life, work life, and martial arts life. 


Rosnblatt, Zachary, and Adam Chase. “‘The One with Unagi.’” F.R.I.E.N.D.S, season 6, episode 17, NBC, 24 Feb. 2000. 

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