Take a Break! The Risks of Overtraining

“Training is good, you make the penny shiny, but if you overtrain, you will become tarnished!”

The companies we work for give us vacation for a reason! 

When we work for too long we get burnt out, we lose productivity, and we lose our direction. Our output to the company is worsened! Oh, you seriously thought corporate America does this out of the kindness of their hearts? No, they do it because it benefits them too, so much that they will pay us to not work!

We see burnout happen in our martial arts training too, but oftentimes, we ignore it. If you are interested in improving your outlook and dare I say your technique, take a short break to recharge.

Think of what happens to a penny when you place it in vinegar. After a short period, you will notice that the penny will become shinier, but there is a balance! If you leave the penny in the vinegar for too long, it will turn green.

Training is good, you make the penny shiny, but if you overtrain, you will become tarnished!

We all want to get better. We all want to commit as martial artists, but don’t overcompensate! Take a day off. Your physical and mental health will thank you later. 

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