Little by Little

A little goes a long way; whether it be saving your money, practicing a hobby, or just generally making steps towards your goals. In our fast-paced society, we feel as if we are always pressed for time. Most of our days are consumed by work, and then you get to decide what to do with the rest of your time. If you have family obligations they might fill your evening, or maybe you just get to relax when you’re done with your daily responsibilities. Regardless, you need to allow yourself some time everyday to check in with yourself and what your goals are. 

You may have a big wish for something different in your life; whether it be a change in career, mindset, routine, fitness level, etc. More than likely, the goal you’re imagining seems impossible and you feel like it can’t happen for you. Like you’re fighting a losing battle. 

But what if you tried; tried to take steps to obtain your wildest dreams, tried to do one thing a day for yourself that you know will help you grow into the person you want to be. The hardest step is the first one: committing to set aside time where we consciously make an effort for ourselves and our goals. Making small steps is better than staying stagnant, it’s better to keep fighting that battle even if you’re losing. You haven’t lost yet. 

We’ve all heard the saying, Rome wasn’t built in a day. But that being said, there probably wasn’t a day that went by where there wasn’t work being done to build the great city. Do something each day to progress towards your goals. Remember, it doesn’t have to be long; maybe you want higher kicks so you dedicate 10 mins a day to strength building or stretching. Maybe you want to learn a new language, start looking for YouTube videos or Apps to help get the ball rolling and start learning. Maybe you wish to lose weight, try only drinking soda on the weekends to start. Over time, you’ll see change in yourself; a little difference each day goes a long way in the grand scheme of things. 

Don’t spend time thinking, “I wish I could do this”. Instead, set your mindset to, “I can and will do this.”

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