Why You Should Start a Blog Too

When it comes to being a martial artist, an instructor or a working professional, one thing is certain. We must be comfortable with sharing ideas. 

One thing that can prevent us at times when we are sharing our ideas, is the big question of doubt that we ask ourselves, “What if we are wrong?” Yes, in places where we are trying to decide where we stand on a topic or how we think something should go, rejection can be a scary thing. 

Oftentimes we overestimate how much rejection will affect us. Often times we overestimate how much being wrong will make us look stupid. 

My friends, rejection will only affect you as much as you let it, and with a positive attitude you will be able to learn from anything. If you are rejected you will learn as well; you will learn to be able to share what you think with the world unconditionally. 

When you post a blog article and share it across Facebook, yes, you leave yourself vulnerable and open for rejection. You are also representing yourself, you must really think before you post. I’m not only saying to avoid saying something ignorant or hateful that you will regret; I am saying that you must go and inspect who you are and what you really stand for and express the real you. You may think that I write to evangelize the martial arts to the world, but that is incorrect. I write to inspect my own thoughts to become certain of what I think today. 

When you write articles and put yourself out there, you will become more confident. You will fear rejection less. You will fear disagreement less, and you will stand tall with your opinions. 

Our minds are fluid, and we need to realize that. If my opinions are rigid, then gee, this will be a boring blog, but if I keep an open mind and keep learning myself, I will never run out of things to write. 

If you are a martial arts instructor or working professional of any kind, I highly encourage you to create your own blog. Your students and colleagues need not the articles, but the confident and honest ideas you will present to your students or your team.

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