Start From the Ground Up

In previous articles I’ve talked about my self-confidence journey, and how it is still far from over. Don’t get me wrong, I have come a long way from the depths of low self-esteem I used to live in, however there are still some times where I feel nervous or not confident enough to do something. Whether it be prepping for a tournament, interview, or even attempting a new skill, I’ll still feel a significant amount of that anxious energy running through me. For me to get through it, I have to start small and ahead of time. 

I’ll prepare for days, even weeks leading up to the event, not quite to the point of obsession but enough to where it eases a good bit of my nerves. The final few days I’ll have a low but constant anxiety, that I try to ease by distracting myself; there’s not much I can change in the last few days anyways without adding more stress. The day of, is where all the nerves start to hit at once and I have to start from the ground up to ease my brain. 

I’ll make sure to listen to music that either calms me down, or hypes me up, depending on the situation. You see plenty of people doing this in different activities, sports, practices, etc. to help them with those pre-event jitters. Although something that’s helped me more than I expected, has nothing to do with music. It sounds a little silly, but on the days I’m most nervous, I’ll wear a shirt, piece of jewelry, accessory, etc. that has special meaning to me. Not only does it give me a little comfort, I try to imagine that it gives me strength; the person who gave me the hat is giving me some of their energy to get through it. It’s like she’s giving me a hug when I wear her necklace, she’s proud of me. I am brave just like Spiderman on my socks. 

It’s a little strange; having the mindset of drawing positive energy from items you’re wearing seems like just a small piece of comfort, but sometimes that’s what helps when you’re trying to tackle something nerve-wracking. I’ve found that with a handful of small steps to easing your anxiety, overall the situation you were worried about goes a whole lot smoother. 

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