Discussion Question: What’s a Word of Advice That You’d Like to Pass On?

Anthony: When you don’t feel like doing one more push up, do it anyways. When you finished throwing your last punch, throw another. After you throw your last kick, kick again. When you fall on the ground, tried, hurting, and thinking you can’t get back up, get back up anyways! Never stop!

Ana: Consistency and dedication are the building blocks of motivation. Everybody has days where they feel like giving up, but consistency is stronger than that doubt. If you build a habit of showing up for yourself, you’ll find it easier to succeed on the tough days where your mind tries to hold you back.

Yoshi: Slow down and take your time. Not everything has to be done today or tomorrow. The path will still be there, and there are plenty of benches to rest at along the way.

Raechel: Don’t forget to celebrate the small victories too. It’s the little steps that lead us to accomplish the larger goal.

David: Give 100% of the effort that you have on any given day. Your 100% today may be different than your 100% was yesterday or what it will be tomorrow, but always give it your all!

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