Your Potential is Limitless

I was at a goal setting seminar recently, and they had us do a lot of self-reflective exercises to identify and combat limits we put on ourselves. I’d like all the readers to try this one right now with me. 

Close your eyes and think about a person in their 70’s. You’re sitting at a table with them and you’re about to spend the afternoon together. Think about the activities you’ll do with one another. 

Who was the person you pictured?

Most people will have pictured someone they know, most probably a grandparent or parent. 

Did you think about Lorna Johnstone, the oldest female Olympian at 70 years old? Or Ernestine Shepherd, an 85 year-old woman who began working out at 56, and since then has won two female bodybuilding competitions. Maybe even Jack Palance, who at 72 amazed the academy awards audience by busting out a series of one arm pushups after accepting the Oscar for best supporting actor. 

All of these people didn’t let other’s perceptions of age limit their motivation for reaching excellence. The main takeaway from this exercise is that you are your biggest setback when it comes to your own limits; you are held back by your own beliefs of what you can and can’t accomplish. You can achieve anything you want, you just have to work hard and believe that you can. Very similar to a sparring match or breaking a board, if you believe you can’t succeed before you start, you have already failed. 

Your potential is limitless, and once you let go of your own personal barriers, you’ll be able to live every day to the fullest creating a life that you love waking up to. 

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