Do It Well

It may seem easier to go through your everyday tasks as fast as possible, so you can maximize completing the number of things you need to do in one day. For example, many people do their laundry relatively quickly (maybe a few hours), but it takes them days to sort and put it away. If you know this is you, don’t worry, I am one of these people too!

But in doing this, I create future problems for myself that will actually cost a bigger chunk of time than if I had put them away immediately. Most of the clothes have now wrinkled, and probably have been sat on by my cat. I have to take the extra time to either iron or hang up each individual shirt, possibly having to lint-roll fur off, and I kick myself for creating more work for future Ana, as I am now in fact, future Ana. 

Taking the time to fully complete things really will make a difference in keeping yourself less stressed, and in some cases, safe. When you’re completing exercises at the gym or on your own, I strongly encourage you to look up videos on proper form or examples, since oftentimes we compensate with other muscles when certain ones we’re trying to target are weaker. Without knowing it, you can be straining yourself in a way that harms or even hurts you. Even just doing certain movements with too much momentum, won’t allow you to get the most benefits out of your workout. To maximize efficiency, do your exercises slower with more concentration on squeezing the correct muscle groups, and connecting with your breath. 

Overall it pays off in the long run to do things to the best of your ability, every time. There are still some days I have that laundry basket full of clean clothes to put away, but now I rarely let it go longer than a day without finishing the job. Think about what present day you can do to make life easier for future you. You’ll thank yourself!

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