
Something I’ve heard of a lot in mainstream alternative culture lately is the concept of “manifesting”. Manifesting is essentially something theoretical becoming real, so basically meditating/focusing on something to make it become your reality. It has been used in many memes, such as someone manifesting some Burger King and having it magically appear. Or my favorite, my friends ran into someone we knew in college and she said she “totally manifested” seeing them again. Even baby yoda got in on the trend.

Both in the literal and satirical sense, manifesting has basically become the new “good vibes only”. There’s nothing wrong with this way of thinking or living your life, there’s actually a really great benefit to manifestation. Taking it on the surface level, it does sound kind of silly and is easy to make fun of. But if you think about it, manifestation is basically setting a goal for yourself and trying to achieve it and make it yours. Obviously you can’t just manifest, you have to work for what you want your life to be, but sometimes it helps if you mentally picture yourself as the person who you want to be. There’s a reason interviewers always ask the question, “where do you see yourself in 5 years?”. This is more or less a manifestation question; they’re looking to hear how you want to grow, and what you’re going to plan on doing to reach this future goal. 

You can apply it to your hobbies or overall lifestyle as well. Think of the person who you want to be like, your idol. Maybe it’s Jackie Chan, Jimi Hendrix, Leo DiCaprio, Picasso, whoever. Think about what they did everyday to be great at their craft, and how they continue to be successful. Try to implement some of those things in your daily life and practices. For example, I heard an interview with Tom Holland speaking on Willem Defoe’s stunts in the newest Spiderman movie. He explained that some days it’d be hard for him, a 26 year old, to move and he’d wake up super sore after a day of shooting. Then he’d see Willem, in his 60’s, spring up in the morning ready for the next day of stunts. It’s because Willem has been practicing yoga for most of his life, he does at least an hour a day. After hearing that, being an active martial artist and aspiring stunt performer, I’ve made a conscious effort to do yoga everyday as well. 

It’s up to you to do everything you can to become that person that you want to be. “Manifest”, work, and grow.

Baby Yoda Meme:

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