When you look at virtually every martial art, there is always some sort of moral code. These moral codes come from different religions. Many different religions are represented in different different martial arts. In a lot of the Eastern Asian martial arts you see a great deal of either Zen Continue Reading
David Paprocki
The True Need for Self Motivation
There are a few martial arts practitioners that are not my students, but I have had an impact on their progression and development in the martial arts. They are low ranking Dan students around the rank of 1st or 2nd Dan. One common thing that I hear them say is, Continue Reading
How to Incorporate the Eastern Philosophy of the Martial Arts in a Healthy Way
One of the downfalls of eastern Asian philosophy that does not agree very much with the western philosophy we are acquainted with in civilian life is the point of not asking for things! When we train we are often taught not to ask our instructors to test or for a Continue Reading
How to Find a Good Instructor
This seems like a very opinionated question. What do you look for in an instructor? Really it sounds like it is a subjective question. It can certainly vary from person to person, but when you look at those instructors who have students that continued to train, continued to teach, and Continue Reading
In Discussion There is Always Sense and Honor
Don’t get de escalation wrong! De escalation pertains to physical confrontation and eliminating it. We should, however, make sure we verbally escalate with people when we have a problem or something really just doesn’t feel right. For me, it took some years to understand this and it led me to Continue Reading
Why You Should Spend At Least 100$ on a Traditional Uniform
It is no mystery that we behave and act more confidently and charismatically when we are better dressed. I’m not saying that you need to wear a suit and tie every day to accomplish this; I’m saying that you should wear things that fit you well, are of good material quality and above all make you feel comfortable.
Emptying Your Cup
How much do you allow previous martial arts experience to bias you when cross training something new? Read today’s article by David to learn more about what it truly means to empty your cup”
Ditch that Martial Arts Profile Pic
Chances are if you’re reading this blog, you are very passionate about martial arts. I would also venture to guess that quite a few of you also have a lot of martial arts pictures on your social media profiles, and rightfully so, It’s something that you are passionate about. I Continue Reading
When dealing with difficult people with altering views, interests, or values than your own, it is important to understand how these people came to believe what they believe. This is defined as epistemology, the study of how someone formed their beliefs and differentiates their beliefs from opinions. What’s the difference? Continue Reading
How Photography Changed Martial Arts
Chances are, if you train in a traditional form of Karate or Tang Soo Do, you have heard the Bubishi and the Moo Yae Dobo Tonji referenced a couple times by the instructors teaching you, and how it contains artifacts of what you are training in. This is all true, Continue Reading