Raechel: I had always been interested in martial arts growing up, but I never had the time. Once I went to college I stopped my other sports, so I finally had the time to try it out. Yoshi: was at the club fair at college and there was a table Continue Reading
Discussion Questions
Discussion Question: What’s Your Favorite Exercise?
David: My favorite exercise is squat kicks. They make a good dynamic warmup exercise that also engages technique. Ana: I’d say mine is slow kicks. They’re painful, but it’s one of the best ways to get more power, more control, and overall more effective kicks. Yoshi: Judo push-ups! It targets Continue Reading
Discussion Question: What Has Been The Most Surprising Thing In Your Martial Arts Journey?
Anthony: The friends I met along the way. I didn’t think I would create friendships that span over the course of years. I really liked learning how to punch and kick and break boards. I didn’t realize that as I was learning, I was also building relationships, some that have Continue Reading
Discussion Question: What Would You Tell Your White Belt Self?
Yoshi: I would tell my white belt self that he won’t regret joining the college karate club, and to just keep showing up! My life would be very different and for the worse if I hadn’t started training. Ana: I would tell my white belt self that you can do Continue Reading
Discussion Question: What Is Your Favorite Technique?
Yoshi: My favorite technique is the bit chaki, or reverse roundhouse kick. It’s a very niche kick with limited utility, but if you can do it correctly (i.e. at head height) and can land it, it looks and feels awesome! Ana: My favorite technique is the 360 jump spin round Continue Reading
Discussion Question: What’s The Weirdest Question a Student Has Asked You?
Yoshi: I’m sure I’ve been asked weird questions in my life, but I can’t think of any one example. I think the most important part is: no matter how weird or off-the-wall the question may be, it’s important to listen to the question humbly and respectfully and don’t mock the Continue Reading
Discussion Question: What’s a Word of Advice That You’d Like to Pass On?
Anthony: When you don’t feel like doing one more push up, do it anyways. When you finished throwing your last punch, throw another. After you throw your last kick, kick again. When you fall on the ground, tried, hurting, and thinking you can’t get back up, get back up anyways! Continue Reading