What is the best age to start martial arts? One reason that a lot of people are hesitant to join a martial art is their age. They either expect a class of little kids screaming and swinging (hopefully padded) weapons at you, or a class full of black belts who Continue Reading
Facing Our Fear
Martial artists have to face their fears all the time. Think about how many times you have heard an instructor say in a dojo, “You can’t break the board because you are afraid of it”. How many times have you seen people get afraid in the sparring ring? Or the Continue Reading
Three Fortunes – Infinite Possibilities From Lunch with a Coworker
I was having lunch a couple weeks ago with my friend Yoshi who is a colleague of mine in more ways than one. We are coworkers at the same company, but we also train in the martial arts together. He had ordered three different plates of Dim Sum to go Continue Reading
Empowerment in the Pages, Don’t Stop Reading!
Let’s face it, when you go higher in the ranks of a traditional martial art, there is less that you are taught, but that doesn’t mean there is less to learn! You must take responsibility for your own training. The training in question can be for your mind, body or Continue Reading
If Black Belt Means One Thing For Your Lifestyle
I was recently reading a book, The Power of Discipline, and the last chapter was just the author congratulating the reader on completing the book (Walter 130)! I was very confused at first, but then the Author, Daniel Walter, explained that the whole idea of me completing the book was Continue Reading
Take a Break! The Risks of Overtraining
The companies we work for give us vacation for a reason! When we work for too long we get burnt out, we lose productivity, and we lose our direction. Our output to the company is worsened! Oh, you seriously thought corporate America does this out of the kindness of their Continue Reading
Family Aspect in Martial Arts
Recently, I saw a poll put up asking “How many people consider their dojo and the people they train with as a family?”. I answered ‘Yes’ in almost a heartbeat; as a person who never fit in with my blood relatives, I’ve found so much unconditional love and support from Continue Reading
No Excuses Just Priorities
One of my favorite college professors always had something to say about students that either didn’t come to class or didn’t apply themselves. He would always say, “There are no excuses in life, only management of your priorities. If I gave you $1 Million, you would always come to class.” Continue Reading