Oftentimes if we have a big project on our to-do list, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and dwell on the amount of time and energy you must dedicate in order to get it done. Whether it’s something like a thesis, a needed renovation, or even just cleaning the house, if Continue Reading
Happy New Year! Go Eat Your Vegetables
As we cross into 2023, many people will be making New Year’s Resolutions. Most of the time, these resolutions are long term habitual goals. Some will dedicate themselves to going to the gym everyday, while others will try to quit a bad habit, while others may try to go on Continue Reading
How to Avoid Injury: The Necessity of Strength Training to an Active Lifestyle
Over the past few years I have received several comments asking why I’m in the gym all of the time. Originally my fitness journey started because I had injured my knee in college when I was preparing for my Cho Dan test. The full recovery story of that is for Continue Reading
I Failed a Test: 3 Takeaways for Growth in the Martial Arts
In June of 2009, I was set to test for my Cho Dan Bo Blue Belt (Black Belt Candidate Rank) in Tang Soo Do. I was very excited to take this test, but during the test itself, something didn’t feel quite right. About half way through the test, I started Continue Reading
Hidden Benefits of Individual Sports
Everyone always talks about the advantages of team sports and how they develop a lot of life skills for kids later on. Don’t get me wrong, I completely agree with this sentiment and fully encourage and support team sports. However, I feel as though individual sports sometimes get overshadowed by Continue Reading
Kihap – Why It’s Essential to Martial Arts
Kihap, or “Kiai” in Japanese, is often translated as “yell” or “shout”. In practical application, this isn’t wrong; when teaching beginners or children, instructors often say “yell like this” and demonstrate what a kihap sounds like. Sometimes, but not always, students would often kihap much like their instructor as they Continue Reading
Finding The Secrets to Good Technique: A Story About Jump Kicking
When I reached the rank of green belt in Tang Soo Do around 15 years ago, my instructor took out the student manual and read to us the expectations for brown belt. He made sure to emphasize the following point: Must be able to demonstrate jumping techniques. In particular, the Continue Reading
Meaning of “Do”: It’s Deeper Than You Think
The martial art I practice is Tang Soo Do, and there are many other martial arts that have the same “Do” word: Ken-Do, Ju-Do, Kobu-Do, Hapki-Do, Taekwon-Do, Jeet Kune Do, etc. In most (if not all) of the translations, the word “Do” is translated as “The Way”. In Daoism, Continue Reading
Repetition: A Key to Growth
In my Filipino martial arts class, we practice a variety of striking patterns and a series of blocks against general attacks, usually with sticks but can be translated to empty hand or knife. We drill in these patterns and all their permutations; when we do a High Low High attack Continue Reading
Perform at the Level That You Want to Reach
I remember a time during one of my classes in my electrical engineering program when one of my professors was returning our graded midterm exams to us, and one student received an unpleasant surprise. He had received a deduction of five points on one of the problems! Now this class Continue Reading